Bethesda har tydligen en bugg som gör att vissa texturer inte blir så tjusiga som sig bör om du har installerat The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim på din Xbox 360. Så här skriver man på det officiella forumet:
Skyrim uses a lot of dynamic streaming systems, including textures. We’ve seen a few reports of certain textures temporarily scaling down on the Xbox 360, and not scaling back up. We have verified that this issue does not occur when playing off the disk and when the game is fully cached (not installed). Skyrim makes heavy use of the Xbox 360 caching system, and caches over the normal course of play while in menus or interiors. This cache can be wiped when other games are played or when the user manually removes it. We’re working on a solution in the next title update for those who have installed the game.
Undertecknad har installerat, så frågan är nu om man ska avinstallera spelet och lira från skivan istället? Vi får se om jag orkar.