Ajaj, det verkar som att det finns en allvarlig bugg i The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword som kan göra din sparfil korrupt. Problemet finns i Song of the Hero-questen, och naturligtvis är det fet spoilervarning på det här. Kort: prata inte med Golo i Lanayru Mine, och definitivt inte två gånger. Ha även dubbla sparfiler så att du inte måste spela om allt.
Lite mer information? Kommer här, men som sagt – spoiler!
Det här mejlet fick Zelda Informer tag på (via sina läsare) från Nintendo, som berättar vad som kan hända och hur man undviker det:
We have been made aware of the issue that results in being unable to progress in the Song of the Hero quest. If the game has been saved after completing the sequence of events, it will no longer be possible to proceed through the game on that save file. The only options at that point are to either start the game over or to use an earlier save file to continue.
The situation is caused by performing the following sequence of events during the Song of the Hero quest:
1. At the beginning of the quest, go to Lanayru Desert to retrieve the song of the Thunder Dragon.
2. In the Lanayru Mine, speak with Golo the Goron.
3. Complete the Thunder Dragon’s event, and receive his song.
4. Before heading to the forest or volcano regions, speak with Golo in the mine again.
5. At this point, the forest and volcano events will no longer occur, making it impossible to continue.
* This issue WILL NOT OCCUR if the Fire and Water Dragon songs have already been collected before collecting the Thunder Dragon’s song. Talking to Golo in the Lanayru Caves will also NOT trigger this issue.
* If the game has been saved after completing the sequence of events, it will no longer be possible to proceed through the game on that save file. The only options at that point are to either start the game over or to use an earlier save file to continue.
I wish I had a better answer, but I’m afraid there currently is no other fix available. I can assure, however, that we are documenting all feedback we receive on this issue. Thank you for your patience and support.
Sharon Matheny
Ta helt enkelt Thunder Dragon-sången sist så fungerar allt som det ska. Det verkar inte som att Nintendo kommer kunna mata ut någon fix till det här dessvärre, så vi får nog leva med problemet. Lite som den där buggen i Super Paper Mario som kunde sabba spelet, ett par timmar in…
Och! Ha dubbla sparfiler. Alltid.