Att Samsungs nya vikbara telefon Galaxy Fold går sönder för journalister har fått dom nu att skjuta upp lanseringen.
Samsung bekräftar i sitt utskick till alla som förhandsbokat telefonen att dom behöver mer tid för att förbättra konstruktionen på telefonen för att undvika skärmfel. Dom ska även återkomma inom några veckor med besked om en ny lansering.
We recently unveiled a completely new mobile category: a smartphone using multiple new technologies and materials to create a display that is flexible enough to fold. We are encouraged by the excitement around the Galaxy Fold.
While many reviewers shared with us the vast potential they see, some also showed us how the device needs further improvements that could ensure the best possible user experience.
To fully evaluate this feedback and run further internal tests, we have decided to delay the release of the Galaxy Fold. We plan to announce the release date in the coming weeks.
Initial findings from the inspection of reported issues on the display showed that they could be associated with impact on the top and bottom exposed areas of the hinge. There was also an instance where substances found inside the device affected the display performance.
We will take measures to strengthen the display protection. We will also enhance the guidance on care and use of the display including the protective layer so that our customers get the most out of their Galaxy Fold.
We value the trust our customers place in us and they are always our top priority. Samsung is committed to working closely with customers and partners to move the industry forward. We want to thank them for their patience and understanding.
Samsung via ett pressmeddelande
Tråkigt, men bättre med en försenad lansering än den katastrof som var för några år sedan när flertalet Samsung-telefoner började brinna.